Friday, April 30, 2010

My daughter's future ambitions

The other day my little one was playing on her Barbie motorbike and kept getting off to "fill it up with gas".  Later on when we were talking I asked her what she wanted to do when she grew up and she said "I want to be a gasser mommy!"  (taking the word gas and adding the -er like teach-> teacher, only problem is gas isn't a verb)

Later on I went to her parent teacher meeting and one of the things that they have been working on at school is drawing what they want to be when they grow up and there she drew a picture of herself and nonna, here the title was "when I grow up I want to wash the dishes with nonna"

I hope this is just her misunderstanding of the question (she is obsessed with getting bigger, but relative to what a four year old sees as bigger...being able to reach the top shelf, ride the bus alone, etc) not with what her future ambitions really are!  I am sure this is the problem because the question in Italian is "cosa vuoi fare da grande" and What do you want to do when you grow up in English.  For her growing up is getting taller and being "grande" is pretty much the same thing.  In fact when I asked her what job she wanted to do when she was a mommy she said (after saying cook dinner and do the dishes) I want to help teach the kids.  (Probably since that is what I do!)

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